Mass Schedule:
* Saturday at 5:00 p.m
* Sunday at 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.
* Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday – 9:00 a.m.
* Confessions: Saturday at 3:30 pm
* Office Hours: Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.


“If you are what you should be, you will set the whole world on fire.”


What is a charism?

Charisms, spiritual gifts, are special abilities, a special empowerment, given to a Christian by the Holy Spirit to enable them to be powerful channels of God’s love and redeeming presence in the World.  Whether extraordinary or ordinary, charisms are to be used in charity or service to build up the Church (CCC, 2003)

A charism is always deeply connected with our faith and is an expression of our relationship with God.  In this way it differs from a natural or learned ability.  A charism, exercised correctly, draws  other people to God.  For instance, we can take art courses and learn to paint a picture. The ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, however, draws people to God. Stained glass windows in a church do the same.

A charism must be exercised in the context of the Christian’s overall discipleship in submission to Jesus Christ and His Church.

 Three signposts of a Charism:

  • An unmistakable inner experience of peace, energy and joy when you are using the gift.  It energizes you!
  • Unusually effective and successful results in what you’re trying to accomplish
  • Other people’s direct or indirect recognition of the gift’s presence

When exercising your charism there is a natural flow and ease about the whole experience, a sense that we “fit” that we have found our place, that we can be most truly ourselves and, at the same time, an agent of a Goodness that far exceeds our natural abilities.

What is the difference between the seven “gifts of the Holy Spirit” found in Isaiah 11, (Wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, fear of the Lord) the “fruits of the Holy Spirit” listed in Galatians 5, and the spiritual gifts (charisms)?

“There are gifts of the Holy Spirit that we are given to keep and gifts we are given to give away. The traditional “seven gifts of the Holy Spirit” and the “fruits” of the Spirit are gifts given to us to keep.  They are part of our inner transformation as Christians and provide the inner “Christ-likeness” necessary for the effective use of our charisms (CCC1830-1832).

Click here for a printable flyer with more information about charisms.

There are 7 types of Charisms which are listed below.
Click on each type to learn more about those particular charisms!

Organizational Charisms
Those charisms that meet the structural needs of an organization or group.

Healing Charisms
Those charisms that enable us to act as a channel of God’s miraculous love for healing and restoration within the world.

Pastoral Charisms
Those charisms which call us to channel God’s love, goodness, and compassion to others.

Understanding Charisms
Understanding the ways of God and Humanity and empowering Christians to be a channel of God’s truth

Communication Charisms
Transform lives through communicating truth

Lifestyle Charisms
Distinctive lifestyles and freedom for unusual ministry

Creativity Charisms
Creative activities that orders and beautifies