It’s a beautiful addition to Mass when a loved one or special event is commemorated with flowers on the altar. Many weekends are available to sponsor the arrangements—two pedestal arrangements ($225) or one arrangement ($125) for the front of the altar. Follow the link here to Sign Up Genius for an available date.
A notice of the dedication of the floral commemoration will be shared in the weekly communication.
Please choose your date at least 2 weeks in advance. This allows for payment to be processed along with the order to be placed with our florist.
Please contact Peggy at ministry@saintandrew.org or call 919-362-0414 ext. 127. Payments can be made by check to St. Andrew the Apostle with Altar Flowers on the memo line, or online here. You may request flowers or colors in your arrangement with your payment. If it’s a holy day, color requests may not be permitted.
Note – During Lent there are no altar flowers.