The 2025 Bishop’s Annual Appeal (BAA) is underway! Our parish assessment this year is $343,065. This is a 10% increase over last year’s assessment. Please be generous as we serve our communities, educate the next generation, proclaim the Gospel, and spread hope and love!!
The Bishop’s Annual Appeal is a diocesan-wide fundraising campaign that invites Catholics to contribute financially to support essential ministries and services that strengthen the faith, education, and outreach efforts within the Diocese of Raleigh. Through this appeal, parishioners are called to open their hearts and share their blessings, ensuring that the Church can continue its mission of evangelization, charitable outreach, education, and pastoral care. The funds raised support initiatives such as seminarian formation, Catholic schools, religious education programs, assistance for the poor, and services to the elderly, sick, and marginalized. By participating in the Bishop’s Annual Appeal, Catholics in the Diocese of Raleigh play a vital role in sustaining the mission of the Church and opening doors of opportunity, hope, and compassion to those in need.
Where does the money go?
- 34% Christian Formation and Education
- 26% Catholic Charities
- 14% Parish Support and Ministry Services
- 11% Catholic Communications
- 8% Seminarians & Vocations
- 6% Marriage, Family & Respect Life
View Bishop Zarama’s BAA message below.
In 2024, you answered the call and responded with generosity and love to the Bishop’s Annual Appeal. Thank you for your continued support of the many people and ministries in our diocese. The impact of your gifts to the BAA are far-reaching and fundamental to carrying on the mission of the Church in eastern North Carolina.
Click here to view a printable brochure about the BAA.
How do I donate?
Donate online here.
Other Ways to Give
- Stock Donation Form
- Computershare Stock Donation Form
- Qualified Charitable Donation (QCD) from an Individual Retirement Account (IRA) Information (PDF)
BAA payment mailing address:
Catholic Diocese of Raleigh
ATTN: Bishop’s Annual Appeal
7200 Stonehenge Drive
Raleigh, NC 27613
Please make checks payable to Bishop’s Annual Appeal or BAA.
The BAA supports 30+ diocesan ministries, including:
Pastoral Programs
- African Ancestry Ministry and Evangelization
- Hispanic Ministry
- Catholic Schools
- Campus Ministry
- Evangelization and Discipleship
- Youth Ministry
- Catechesis and Faith Formation
- Marriage Preparation
- Human Life and Dignity Office
- Office of Divine Worship
- Home Mission Society
Catholic Charities Initiatives
- All Catholic Charities Regional Offices
- Counseling Services
- Disaster Services
- Oak City Cares
Ordained Ministries
All gifts to the Bishop’s Appeal are restricted funds and may only be used to support Bishop’s Annual Appeal ministries and programs or be rebated back to the Parishes if a Parish collects more than its goal.
- No funds are used for maintenance of the Catholic Center
- No funds are used for settling lawsuits
Please contact Christine Brawn, 919-362-0414, ext. 146, .