Who Are We?
We are members of St. Michael, the Archangel, St. Andrew the Apostle, Mary Magdalene and Mother Teresa of Calcutta Catholic Communities with a profound interest in the dignity of all human persons, and in particular our brothers and sister all over the world. We represent just a few of over 10,000 families in these four parishes!

We want to form our Catholic communities and beyond to think “beyond the Rice Bowl” with regards to Catholic Relief Services (CRS). And, we want to live the mission of CRS, “Putting our faith into action to help the world’s poorest create lasting change.”
In addition to formation, we hope to engage our communities in advocacy opportunities to effect life-long and sustainable change to the circumstances of folks all over the world.
- As we enter 2023, our parishes again are partaking in the Catholic Relief Services Rice Bowl project this Lent and others are supporting global efforts to end hunger in other ways like supporting CRS’s efforts in Ukraine and Poland. Some of our members are meeting and learning about CRS’s new initiative on global warming as these environmental changes effective food growth and sustainability in immense ways world wide. Additionally, in light of the recent horrific earthquake in Syria, many of our parishes have been doing a special collection.
- During Lent 2021 & 2022 the chapter provided support and encouragement to 4 local parishes to assist them in the formation and monetary collection surrounding Operation Rice Bowl. They will do the same in 2023.
- During the summer of 2021, the group met with more than 5 North Carolina legislators encouraging support of global efforts in the federal budget.
- During the Spring of 2021, the group provided virtual opportunities of formation around Catholic Relief Service and global Solidarity! Here are links to those presentations.
* Learn How We Serve: CRS Rice Bowl… and Beyond
* CRS Rice Bowl and Beyond
* CRS — The Seven Tenets of Catholic Social Teaching — A discussion with Deacon Josh Klickman - During January and February of 2021 our group educated our communities about CRS through a six week formation campaign. View the full communication plan here.
Resource List
- Catholic Relief Services
- Catholic Relief Services Rice Bowl
- All Images on these pages are from Catholic Relief Services.