Mass Schedule:
* Saturday at 5:00 p.m
* Sunday at 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.
* Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday – 9:00 a.m.
* Confessions: Saturday at 3:30 pm
* Office Hours: Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Creativity Charism

Creative activities that orders and beautifies

Click here for a printable flyer about Creativity Charisms.

Music Charism
“Seraphim & Cherubim”
The writing and/or performance of instrumental or vocal compositions, for the delight of others and praise of God.  Calls forth prayer and spiritual hunger within those who hear it.
See in Scripture: I Samuel 16: 14-23, II Chronicles 5: 12-14, & Psalm 150
Be Inspired By: Blessed Hildegard of Bingen & Giovanni Pierfuigi da Palestrina

Writing Charism
“Sacred Scribe”
To create works of truth or beauty, through written word, that reflect the fullness of our human and spiritual experiences. Writing nurtures faith, encourages people to seek out what brings them closer to God
See in Scripture: Philippians 3:1 & Jude 3
Be Inspired By: G.K. Chesterton, Gerard Manley Hopkins, Flannery O’Connor, & J.R.R. Tolkien

Craftsmanship Charism
“Beautiful Builder”
Empowers a Christian to be an effective channel of God’s goodness to others through artistic or creative works that beautify the physical world around them.
See in Scripture: Exodus 28: 2-5 & Acts 18:3
Be Inspired By: Saint Joseph, Saint Bridgit of Ireland, Blessed John of Fiesole(Fra Angelico), & Ade Bethune

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