Mass Schedule:
* Saturday at 5:00 p.m
* Sunday at 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.
* Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday – 9:00 a.m.
* Confessions: Saturday at 3:30 pm
* Office Hours: Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Staying Connected to Our Parish

March 29 & 30, 2025
4th Sunday of Lent

Wednesday, March 25, 2025 – Parish Update

Worship aids will be posted on the Parish Connection Portal for live-streamed liturgies. 
Mass Links are also available virtually on our Parish YouTube Channel or use the links above.
Mass audio will still be broadcast in the Courtyard.

  • Reconciliation is in the Chapel from 3:30 – 4:30 p.m. on Saturdays.
  • The Parish Nursery is available during the 9:00 a.m. Mass on Sunday.
  • Altar Flowers – spaces are available for flowers during the Easter Season and beyond. Learn more here.
  • Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLOW) has returned and is available at 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. Masses
  • If you are sick or feeling unwell, please remain at home and participate in the liturgy online.

Did you know our weekly bulletin is available online? 
Please check it out here. Be sure to support our bulletin advertisers which can be found on pages 5 & 6.

Having issues with viewing images in the parish Flocknote Communications? 
To ensure the best experience reading Flocknote messages, please select the option to display all images either in your email settings or at the top of this message.

Lent began on Wednesday, March 5. 
Learn more about many Lenten opportunities below or click here.

Upcoming Events

St. Andrew LGBTQ+ Ministry
The ministry creates a supportive, confidential, welcoming space for prayer and sharing for those who identify as LGBTQ+, their family members, and allies/friends. For more information, contact the Parish Administrator, Noelle Marino, at 919-362-0414 ext. 114. All inquiries are confidential.

Volunteers Needed
We are seeking volunteers to enrich our  Faith Formation Programs and assist the parish in educating our families. There are currently five opportunities available most of which are one-time opportunities. 
Learn more here.

Adult Confirmation
Are you an adult Catholic but have not yet been Confirmed? Or, are you an adult who has been baptized 
in another Christian tradition and want to become a Catholic? Email Deacon Tom here, or call 919-362-0414 x124 for details and to sign up.

Interested in learning more about the Catholic Faith and how you might become Catholic? 
Contact Deacon Tom O’Brien, RCIA Coordinator with questions at 919-362-0414, ext. 124, or click here to email.

Parish Ambassadors Needed 
Volunteers are needed who would be willing to provide friendship and accompaniment to those who are in the early stages of learning about being baptized in the church (RCIA process). It would involve inviting them to parish events and perhaps meeting them regularly for a period of time. Adults and teens are encouraged to volunteer. If this interests you, email Deacon Tom here.

Be an Instrument of Christ’s Real Presence 
We are seeking confirmed parishioners to be trained as Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion to assist with the distribution of the Body and Blood of Jesus at Mass, as well as in the local community to the homebound, at senior living centers, and at WakeMed Cary Hospital. Training will be provided.
All interested should contact Colin Hayes at or call (919)362-0414. ext. 115.

Friday Morning Rosary
Each Friday morning join fellow parishioners in saying a Rosary before the 9:00 a.m. Mass at 8:30 a.m.

Stephen Ministry offers a proven and effective way to organize, equip, and supervise a team of parishioners – called Stephen Ministers – to provide high-quality, one-to-one, Christ-centered care to people in the parish and the community experiencing life difficulties. Learn more about Stephen Ministry and how you might benefit from the services they offer here. Or, contact Katie Fortunato at 919-362-0685 x125, or email
Missing something? Please check the lost and found in the drop-off area of the office building. All items will be donated or discarded in early June if not claimed.

Altar Flowers
Spaces are available for flowers during the Easter Season and beyond. Learn more here.

Touching Hearts
Touching Hearts is continuing to reach out to the elderly who are lonely or spiritually in need
of encouragement at local long-term care facilities.  Click here to learn more about what items are currently needed.

Prayer Shawls
Did you know Prayer Shawls made by our own parishioners are available to those who are homebound, ill, and even caregivers?  Contact Barbara, at the parish office if you’d like to receive one.

Career Network Ministry for Working Professionals and Job Seekers
Are you looking for a new job and/or career advice in a Catholic setting? Our ministry offers professional development, purposeful networking and mentorship. Come create new business relationships and obtain peer support in finding a pathway to career success – while seeking and understanding the spiritual meaning of God’s will with career decisions. Learn more here.

Who Is My Neighbor?
After our plea a couple of months ago, many fellow parishioners have stepped in to help Ukrainian refugee families seek safety in the US under a United for Ukraine program. Help is still needed. Click here to stay updated on current needs and find out how you can be of assistance!

Funeral Notifications
Would you like to receive notification when a fellow parishioner dies so that you can pray for the family or attend the funeral? Contact Peggy at, or call 919-362-0414 ext. 127 to be added to the list.

Parish Library
Have you checked out the reorganized Parish Library and the online catalog? Go here to learn more.

Safe Environment
“We must show God’s love and mercy while continuing to seek forgiveness for the Church’s failings and healing for those who were hurt by them. We must also continue to make every possible effort to prevent future transgressions.”
† Luis Rafael Zarama, J.C.L., Bishop of Raleigh

Click here to learn more about the Diocese of Raleigh Child and Youth Protection Program.

Parish StewardshipInterested in online giving?
Learn more here.
Contact Chris Brawn at with questions or assistance. 
Thank you so much for your  on-going support.

Click here to view all other parish and diocesan updates.
Updates include information about an upcoming formation opportunities throughout the Raleigh area!