Mass Schedule:
* Saturday at 5:00 p.m
* Sunday at 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.
* Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday – 9:00 a.m.
* Confessions: Saturday at 3:30 pm
* Office Hours: Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Sunday Collection

The weekly Sunday collection is the primary parish giving opportunity that sustains the life of our parish. It ensures day-to-day operations and the continuation of liturgical, educational and ministerial programs. Parishioners are asked to give back to God in gratitude for the many gifts God has given them through a significant contribution on a regular basis. The easiest and most efficient way to do this is through our online giving options.

You can also contribute though Sunday Collection envelopes that are mailed to all parishioners who are not registered for automatic drafting or online giving.

2024 Tax STatements

2024 Tax Statements are available. Click here to learn how to access your tax statement online. To arrange for a paper copy of your tax statement that you can pick up in the parish office, contact Carol Blackford at 919-362-0414, ext. 111, or

Special Collections

Special collections throughout the year support essential ministries throughout the world. You can support all special collections through our Online Giving page. Click the Give Now tab for donations to year-round collections (like Share Sunday or Tuition Assistance). Current collections will be available under the Home tab at least one week before the envelope date. For a complete list of special collections and when they are collected, click here.

Credit Card & Automatic Bank Drafting

To set up and manage Bank Drafting, please visit our Online Giving page. If you need assistance, please contact Christine Brawn, 919-362-0414, ext. 146,


Gifts of stock to the parish are handled through the diocese. Please visit the Diocesan Page for Stock Donations.

Additional Giving Opportunties

  • St. Andrew the Apostle Building Fund

    Gifts given to this fund will help maintain and develop the church, administration wing and Care Center
    campus. Please note “St. Andrew the Apostle Building Fund” in the memo portion of your check.

  • The Bischoff Garden Endowment Fund

    St. Andrew parishioner Mary Ellen Bischoff passed away on March 8, 2006. As a gift to generations to come, Mary Ellen directed the creation of the Mary Ellen and Robert A. Bischoff Garden Fund to maintain and enhance the gardens at St. Andrew Parish. Gifts to this fund will be used to maintain all the garden areas around our church. Please note “Bischoff Garden Endowment Fund” in the memo portion of your check.

  • The Ann Graf Early Childhood Center Memorial Fund

    Loving and educating children was one of Ann’s greatest ministries. Ann Graf faithfully served our parish in the Early Childhood Center for twenty years; first as a music teacher, and then as its director. She passed away on August 6, 2012. Ann recognized that sometimes a financial hurdle can separate a child from attending preschool. It is Ann’s wish that this memorial fund be established to provide scholarships for children in need. Please note “Ann Graf Memorial Fund” on the memo line of your check.

  • The Bishop’s Annual Appeal

    The Bishop’s Annual Appeal is our opportunity to support the work of the Catholic Church in Eastern North Carolina and is conducted in every parish each year. The BAA raises funds throughout the Diocese of Raleigh and provides services that reflect our Catholic belief in the sanctity of human life, the dignity of the individual and the central role of the family in life and society. In the over 30-year history of the BAA for the Diocese of Raleigh, there has been over $120 million donated to support the ministries of Eastern North Carolina. This appeal happens each year during the winter (January/February/March). Click here to learn more about how to contribute.

  • Mass Cards

    Arrangements to have a weekday or weekend mass said in memory of your loved one can be made by stopping by the parish office
    and requesting a mass card from our parish receptionist. The usual gift for having an announced mass is $10.00. The gift is given to “St. Andrew the Apostle Catholic Church.”

  • Memorial Plaques & Bricks

    Memorial bricks and plaques which are located adjacent to the Columbarium can be purchased in memory of a loved one. Please see our Columbarium page for more information.

  • SAMS Scholarship

    Every year St. Andrew Men’s Society (SAMS) offers a $500, $300, and $200 scholarship to a deserving high school senior who is a St. Andrew parishioner. See the SAMS page for scholarship information.