Adult Faith Formation Links
Click below on the many Adult Faith Opportunities here at St. Andrew!
- Becoming Catholic/RCIA
- Catholic Scripture Study (CSS)
- Friday Morning Bible Study
- Mothers Growing in Faith
- That Man Is You – A study for men
- Walking With Purpose– A study for women
Adult Faith programs at St. Andrew include small Christian communities, adult confirmation, catechist formation, and more!
Not Catholic? You are most welcome to participate in any of our programs with no strings attached!
Additional OPportunities and other events
- OCIA Inquiry : All are welcome. Click here to learn more.
- FORMED: We’re pleased to announce the availability of FORMED, an online service for accessing thousands of Catholic videos, audios, and e-books on demand anytime, anywhere! Click here to learn more and to sign-up.
- Word on Fire: Every registered parishioner who receives the weekly e-communication via FLOCKNOTE has access to a Word on Fire subscription. Each week, click Word on Fire in the Friday e-communication. Word on Fire Catholic Ministries is a nonprofit, global media apostolate that supports the work
of Bishop Robert Barron and reaches millions of people to draw them into – or back to – the Catholic faith.Word on Fire contains videos, articles, homilies, lectures, books, study programs, and more for Catholics of all ages! - Parish Library: The Parish Library is open and available for use to all parishioners. The catalog is also available online so you can browse from the convenience of your home! Many new books are in circulation and volunteers are busy pulling books for parishioner use.
Adult Confirmation & Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA)
If you are over 18 and a baptized Catholic who has not yet received the sacrament of Confirmation, please consider if this might be the year to complete your Christian initiation!
Not Catholic and interested in exploring Catholicism for yourself? Please consider the OCIA.
For more information about following Jesus as a Catholic Christian, please see our OCIA page or Deacon Tom at
Colin Hayes – Director of Liturgy and Adult Faith Formation 919-362-0414, ext 115, or