What is the GRACE program?
The purpose of the GRACE program is to reinforce the importance of lifelong faith formation and active participation in the life of the Church.
Are GRACE events required?
Yes. All children in grades K-12 enrolled in parish faith formation must attend four GRACE events per program year. Failure to participate may delay reception of sacraments.
Adult participation in GRACE events can be used for Time, Talent, and Treasure requirements necessary to receive the discounted stewardship tuition rate at Catholic Schools.
All Catholic school students are welcomed and encouraged to participate in GRACE but it is not mandatory.
Are the students in the Home Program required to participate in GRACE?
Yes. Four GRACE events are required of each child in the Home Program.
Isn’t this making faith formation harder for families?
Actually, no! We’ve reduced the number of class meeting dates. We so strongly believe in your family participating in the life of the Church, that we are building this into the program-not making it extra.
How do I record GRACE events?
We are giving you the responsibility of maintaining your GRACE attendance record. A record sheet will be provided
Can I attend the same event 4 times?
No. One of the goals of GRACE is to introduce families to the richness and variety of parish life. Therefore, experiences like choir and VBS count as one event each.
What about events at another parish, do these count toward GRACE?
No. A benefit of this program is to connect children to their parish, to help them feel that this is their church family. While certainly other parishes offer valuable and often similar programs, we are trying to develop strong roots to our faith community.