Mass Schedule:
* Saturday at 5:00 p.m
* Sunday at 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.
* Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday – 9:00 a.m.
* Confessions: Saturday at 3:30 pm
* Office Hours: Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Lent 2025: Prayer

Let’s explore Lent as a faith community this year!
Follow St. Andrew on Facebook for posts.

And, come back here to find ways to help us refocus and refresh our souls in preparation for Easter.

Often we think about Lent as a time to “give up” something but it can also be an opportunity to “take up” a spiritual discipline.
Perhaps you might consider taking up additional prayer time. One way to do this is by joining the Living Rosary group. The only requirement is that you pray a decade of the rosary at some point during the day at a time convenient for you. You’ll be in prayer with an established group of 20 people so that communally, all of the mysteries of the rosary are prayed daily.
Interested? Sign up here.

Take a few minutes to pray for our seminarians. Learn more here. We were recently told that one of our seminarians, Benjamin Albanese, is praying for our parish each morning at 8:00 a.m. for 2 hours. Let’s pray for him and his seminarian brothers!

Your family may enjoying watching this in preparation for attending Mass on Palm Sunday!
The Catechism in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz) is underway!
Learn more here!

The Pray More Lenten Retreat
An Online Retreat: Inspiring talks to help you grow closer to Christ!
The Lenten Retreat Begins March 5th. Join now! It’s self-paced.
Learn more here.

One way that you might enrich your prayer life is by downloading the free Click to Pray app.

Click to Pray is the app of Pope Francis’ Worldwide Prayer Network and connects your prayers with others around the globe.

In addition to allowing you to share your own intentions for all to pray, the app offers three brief moments of prayer each day along with the Pope’s prayer intentions.

Sign up here for a spot during parish Adoration!

Remember this book that all parishioners received last fall?
It would be great to use during Lent as you prepare for Mass each week!
Pulling together the best in Catholic movies, children’s programming, audio dramas and books, FORMED provides a trusted and engaging entertainment alternative in support of a Catholic lifestyle. Learn more here.

“So, Ash Wednesday is just around the corner…I guess it’s time to start thinking about Lent. But what is Lent, and why does it matter?”
If you have thought this way, you are not alone. In Episode 1: Back to Basics, we will turn to Scripture to answer these questions and explore the Lenten disciplines of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. You’ll walk away from this episode understanding the “why” behind each Lenten practices and will be prepared to live this Lent differently.

Stations of the Cross will happen each
Friday night at 6:30! 
Click here to follow along with
Stations of the Cross guide.
If you can’t join in person, view this beautifully recorded version below.

Ms. Katie recorded these Station of the Cross (below) in Spring of 2020 around Palm Sunday. They are very appropriate for children and families.

Learn to Pray Like the Saints!
FREE Lent Streaming of the Brand New Series
Introduction to Real Prayer
Watch the Trailer & Sign Up here!

The vision of Busted Halo is for a more joyful and meaningful experience of Catholicism that positively impacts people’s lives. They offer many fantastic Lenten resources. Find more here.

Ginny Lennon, our Family Catechesis Coordinator, read this book last Lent and says it is wonderful. Click here to learn more about an online study about this book.

Many parishes partner with their local “40 Days for Life” campaign in order to participate in the campaigns that aim to end abortion locally through prayer and fasting, community outreach, and a peaceful all-day vigil in front of abortion businesses.
Learn more about the Raleigh Lenten campaign here.
Learn more about this Catholic prayer and meditation app here.
Nothing will transform your life so completely, absolutely, and forever like really learning how to pray. Beginning on Ash Wednesday and continuing through all forty days of Lent, you will receive a daily email with a short video to help you reconnect with yourself and your God.
Click on image to sign-up!
Click here to sign-up for daily Lenten reflections from Bishop Barron and Word on Fire. Also be sure to view the Bishop Barron video each week in your e-communication from the parish.
Take a few minutes to reflect upon our parish vision statement. How might we all LOVE GOD, SERVE NEIGHBOR, and NURTURE EACH OTHER during Lent and beyond?