On this page we will be posting parish prayer requests and links to Catholic Prayers that parishioners may find useful. Please call or e-mail Phone: 919-362-0414 x148, or with requests.

Please pray for the following parishioners and loved ones who actively serve in the military:
- Sgt. Richard Atkins
- Major Josh Burris, USAF
- Jonathan D. Campbell MM1(SS) U.S. Navy
- Major Nicholas Corby, Army
- Captain Brendan Echausse, Army
- MIDN MariaCeleste Kistler
- Samantha R. Little, U.S. Airforce
- Dane Mescall, Navy
- 2nd Lt. James Pirinelli
- Captain John Ruiz, U.S. Army
- 2nd Lt. Rebecca Wicklin, U.S. Army
- Sgt. Olivia Wood, U.S. Army