Mass Schedule:
* Saturday at 5:00 p.m
* Sunday at 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.
* Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday – 9:00 a.m.
* Confessions: Saturday at 3:30 pm
* Office Hours: Monday – Thursday 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.;
Friday 8:00 a.m. – Noon


Sacrament of ConfirmationConfirmation Links

Confirmation, along with Baptism and Eucharist, is one of three sacraments of initiation into the Catholic faith. Confirmation perfects our Baptism and binds us more perfectly to the Church. With the grace of the Holy Spirit, Confirmation calls each of us to be witnesses of Christ in both word and deed.

Diocesan guidelines require a two-year sacramental preparation for Confirmation. Youth entering grades 9 through 11 may register for Confirmation if they have not yet been confirmed and have a sincere desire to receive this sacrament.

Confirmation Preparation for Candidates to be Confirmed in 2026

    • Click here to view the Confirmation 2026 Brochure.

See our Confirmation 2026 page for information and forms relating to Candidates preparing to celebrate Confirmation in the spring of 2026.

Confirmation Preparation for Candidates to be Confirmed in 2025

See our Confirmation 2025 page for information and forms relating to Candidates preparing to celebrate Confirmation in the spring of 2025.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are you ready to be confirmed?

In addition to meeting the eligibility requirements, you must also be prepared to set aside the time to attend a retreat each year of preparation, attend Confirmation classes in your second year, complete service hours, etc. There is no mandatory grade or age. Be confirmed when you can fully commit both to the process and to the practice of our religion. Reception of Confirmation by the candidate “obliges them more firmly to be witnesses to Christ by word and deed and to spread and defend the faith” (Canon 879). The candidate and a parent will be asked to sign a commitment affirming that they understand the requirements.

Why do students from Catholic School prepare for Confirmation at St. Andrew?

Sacraments are to be received in the parish of registration because sacraments belong to your Church community. Our Diocese both supports and requires this theological understanding of sacraments.

When is Confirmation?

The date for Confirmation is set by the Bishop’s Office.

How much is the fee?

There is no fee for Confirmation Registration.  We ask that you give to the parish offertory. This can be a recurring or a one time donation. You may use your envelopes or give online. Click here to give to the parish offertory online.

I missed Confirmation in High School. Can I still be confirmed?

Yes. Contact the parish about adult Confirmation. College students can contact their campus ministry or Catholic parish that serves the campus community. The Holy Spirit acts upon each of us differently.


Donna Shinn, Assistant Youth Minister, 919-362-0685 x123

Christine Wagner, Registrar/Secretary, 919-362-0685 x122