Would you like to gather with others who might share the same interests?
This could be playing board games, a hand of Five Crowns, or having a conversation.
Not limited to specific ideas.
In fact, please contact Peggy with your suggestions and questions.
Upcoming 2025 Gatherings Dates:
This group meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month. The meetings are from 12:30 – 2:30 p.m. unless otherwise noted. The meetings this winter/spring are as follows:
- January 14
- February 11
- March 11
- April 8 – It’s a potluck! Bring something to share!
- May 13 (will begin at 1:00 p.m.)
Come Experience T’ai Chi
T’ai Chi is an ancient Chinese form of exercise, sometimes called moving meditation. We will be giving Tai Chi an American flavor. While still moving in a slow, meditative way, we will be using American folk music to inspire us.
Marnie will show six Tai Chi moves and a couple of transition sequences. Then you’ll use those moves to follow along while listening to American Folk Music. Chairs will be available if needed. Wear comfortable shoes.
The group gathers on Tuesdays from 10 to 10:30, then we do some slow, gentle tai chi exercises at 10:30 for an hour. Then some of us pop on over to the Wendy’s at the corner of Old Raleigh Rd and US64 for conversation, coffee and lunch.
Questions about Senior Social Events?
Contact Peggy Rasp
919-362-0414, ext. 127