Our Mission
Our Mission is to provide opportunities for St. Andrew parishioners to live the charity and justice teachings of St. Francis by collectively addressing housing issues of those most in need in our community and in our world. This is accomplished through hands-on activities related to home building, rebuilding and home repair, and through advocacy and parish-wide education.
St. Francis Builds is in partnership with the Diocese of Raleigh Catholic Charities.

The St. Francis Builds Ministry provides local and long-distance emergency reconstruction, clean-up, and home repair assistance to families impacted by disasters, as well as the elderly and homebound in the local community who have small home maintenance projects but are physically limited.
Our ministry is open to all adults (and teens with adult supervision). If you have skills with carpentry, plumbing, electrical, or other trades, we’d love to have you join us. However, no experience is necessary, as we can provide on the job training.
Frank Jackson, stfrancisbuilds@saintandrew.org